How to seduce your client
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  • Language : English
  • File format : B&W paper with color covers
  • Shipping costs : € 2.99
How to seduce your client para ebook
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9 €
  • Language : English
  • File format : PDF

What is this book for?

Here is the manual that every salesperson should read. With it you will learn a multitude of skills for the different phases of the sale. The text teaches you precise behaviors associated with specific moments of customer service. Applying the techniques described here ensures you know how to sell more and leave your customers more satisfied. It is a book that focuses on practicing skills that generate real results in your work. Each of the pages contains lessons learned that you will apply in your position, from the day you start reading them. The author has made a careful selection of all the content to make the most of your time, and to enjoy the pleasant and close language that he uses. Find out from the first page. Few books will provide you with such profitability in your working life. It is the perfect choice for those looking to acquire new knowledge, while having a good time reading. It will seduce you.

Book in other languages

Versión en español
Versione italiana
English version